We are only too aware of the need for budgeting and understanding of costs before Purchase Orders can be raised and have created a clear pricing program to enable Healthcare Providers to budget accordingly.
The below outline is the pricing structure based on a 1 year contract. Year 1 is essentially the set up plus the annual testing and thereafter it is the just the cost of the annual testing. The outline is based on testing 100 items.
Access to portal: £250.00 – monthly fee paid annually
Adding items to the portal: £10.00 per product – one off fee for Year 1 only
Audit and Test: £35.00 per product – annual fee
Therefore Year 1 would be £7,600.00 + VAT
Every year thereafter would be £6,600.00 + VAT
The below outline is the pricing structure based on a 3 year contract. Year 1 is essentially the set up plus the annual testing and Year 2 and 3 is just the annual testing. The outline is based on testing 100 items.
Access to portal: £200.00 – monthly fee paid annually
Adding items to the portal: £8.00 per product – one off fee for Year 1 only
Audit and Test: £30.00 per product – annual fee
Therefore Year 1 would be £6,200.00 + VAT
Every year thereafter would be £5,400.00 + VAT
The above is demonstrated as a guide and variations would be applicable depending on different requirements and bespoke pricing arrangements would be discussed and arranged.
The price list for this portal is the same as the Load Release Testing, however for clients that would like access to both then the prices would be as per the below price guide. This portal gives access for clients to manage and control their own curtain washing/purchasing.
Based on a 2 Year Contract in addition to the rates set out in the 2 year Contract above
Access to portal: £100.00 – monthly fee paid annually
Adding items to the portal: £6.00 per product – one off fee for Year 1 only
Based on a 4 Year Contract in addition to the rates set out in the 4 year Contract above
Access to portal: £50.00 – monthly fee paid annually
Adding items to the portal: £5.00 per product – one off fee for Year 1 only